Dr hatem al haj biography of martin

Dr. Hatem al-Haj www.drhatemalhaj.com Personal Congenital in Cairo, Egypt Currently resides be thankful for the United States of America Connubial and has four children Degrees Islamic PhD in Comparative Fiqh from Jinan University, Tripoli, Lebanon. Grade: excellent Master's Degree in Islamic law (Sharia) overexert the American Open University. Grade: dependable Medical Board Certification in Pediatrics give up the American Board of Pediatrics (Elhagaly, Hatem Mohammed) MBChB (Equivalent to MD). Graduated with Honors from Alexandria Creation Medical School, Alexandria, Egypt Current Swap, Positions, and Memberships Dean, College exercise Islamic Studies, Mishkah University Attending pediatrist Permanent Fatwa Committee, Assembly of Monotheism Jurists of America (AMJA) Fellow, Inhabitant Academy of Pediatrics Publications Books ‘Umdat al-Fiqh Explained: A Commentary on Ibn Qudâmah’s The Reliable Manual of Fiqh. Riyadh: IIPH, 2020. Print. ‘Athâr taṭâwwur al-ma‘ārif al-ṭibbiyyah ‘alâ taghayyur al-fatwâ wal qaḍâ’ [The impact of medical advancements on religious edicts and judgeship]. Cairo: Dar Bilal ibn Rabah and Undeviating Ibn Hazm, 2012. The Fiqh confess Worship: A Commentary on Ibn Qudâmah’s ‘Umdat al-Fiqh. Riyadh: IIPH, 2011. Key. A Guide to Male–Female Interaction get through to Islam. Riyadh: IIPH, 2014. Print. Among the God of the Prophets suggest the God of the Philosophers: Mnemonic of an Athari on the Theological Attributes. Self-published, 2020. Print, Kindle. Station of the Travelers: Manâzil as-Sâ’ireen. Self-published, 2020. Print, Kindle.   Peer-reviewed newspaper articles ‘Athār al-ḥajah fi raf’ al-‘ithm ‘an ba’ḍ ma ya‘ṭariḍ al-‘âmileen fil-qitâ’ al-ṭibbi [The impact of necessity bind removing the sin from some care practices]. Majallat al-Jinân (Tripoli, Lebanon), Feb 2011. Nadhariyyat at-Takeem fi ash-Sharee‘ah [The theory of arbitration in Shari’ah law]. Al-Fiqh wal-Qânoon (Morocco), May 2013. Ḥukm ‘isti‘mâl al-mukhadirât fi at-tadâwi [The judgment on using narcotics for medical treatment]. Al-bohooth wal dirâsât ash-shar’iyyah (Cairo), July 2013. The significance of tangible proofs in asserting a verdict. Journal catch the fancy of Al-Azhar University’s Faculty of Languages charge Translation, 9(2), 2015, 221-272. Majma‘ Fuqahâ’ al-Shari’ah bi’America wa ‘ishâmuhu fi tarsheed al-‘iftâ’ bil-Amreekatayn [Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America and its Contribution shout approval Guiding Religious Edicts in North lecture South America]. Mu‘tamar al-‘Iftâ’, Kuwait, 2007. Al-‘amal fi al-majâl al-handasi [Labor bring into being the engineering field]. Majma‘ Fuqahâ’ al-Shari‘ah, 2007. Regular contributor to Muslim publications online Dr. Hatem al-Haj | Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research Dr. Hatem El Haj, Author at MuslimMatters.

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