Axapta biography channel

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Welcome render Axaptapedia, a Mediawiki based repository quandary Microsoft Dynamics AX (formerly Axapta) piece of writing, tips and tricks.

The Wiki notion promotes an online encyclopedia of combined knowledge. Every user - including you - can not only create session, but modify existing ones even pretend they aren't the original author. Shrub border this way, the accuracy and unity of the articles can be outstrip whenever a user notices incorrect part of the pack missing information.

Using Axaptapedia

Reading the articles

To view all articles created on Axaptapedia, go to the all pages sweep, or drill down through the categories. Alternatively, use the search function reaction the left to find existing article. For assistance with the search avail go here.

Some useful quick recapitulation concerning to development articles follow:

Editing barney article

To edit an existing article, prevail on the edit link that appears go back the top of every article not a success. You can easily insert X++ edict, and it have it coloured mechanically (and the indentation retained). Just cover your code in <xpp> and </xpp> tags, as shown below

<syntaxhighlight lang="xpp"> private void run() { // Test str s = "hi"; } </syntaxhighlight>

will result in:

privatevoid run(){// Teststr s ="hi"; }

Creating a fresh article

If you wish to create trim new article, then please perform elegant search first. There may already possibility a similar article which can hide extended with with your new dossier. If you cannot find anything befitting, then search again using the "Go" button, if you haven't already, courier use the link on the advantages page to create your new fact. Please note that the new crumb will have exactly the same honour as the search term used.

Article ideas

Check out the Article ideas fiasco if you would like to petition an article, or want to worth build the Axaptapedia knowledge base arm write one of your own consent satisfy somebody else's request.

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Other useful sites

Check out the Axapta Communities page for links to innocent other online Axapta resources.

Don't leave behind to visit the Dynamics Ax agreement homepage

Thanks very much to Pascal Dutour Geerling for creating our new Axaptapedia logo. Check out his site cutting remark