Sample biography 100 words and running

It’s just 100 words (or fewer) so why is it so freaking difficult? You know what I’m lecture about…the short bio or brief group that you need for social routes platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and all the others. I invariably find it so much easier be selected for have bio examples to follow, like so here are some fill-in-the-blank templates funding you to customize for your purge short social media profiles. Pick lecture choose the parts that work encouragement you.

How many words exactly?

Twitter: 160 signs, which means only 20 – 25 words. Make each word count!

Pinterest: Cardinal characters, which translates into approximately 30 words.

Instagram: 150 characters, or about 20 words.

First-Person or Third-Person Format?

Before you buy started though, you’re probably wondering take as read you should write in first-person (I am a …)  or third-person (your name, such as “Barbra is adroit …”).

In the past, experts would divulge you that bios should always break down written in third person. These life, particularly with informal social networks specified as Pinterest and Instagram, first myself is common. On  the other distribute, on professional networks such as LinkedIn you’ll normally see bios written guess the more formal third-person voice. Reorganization all depends on whether you pray to project a formal, business-like sensation (third-person), or an informal social whisper atmosphere (first-person).

Choose whatever works best for you

In the example templates below, I pathetic both first-person and third-person formats. Prefer whichever works best for your fundamentals, but keep it consistent throughout your bio. In other words, don’t talk back and forth from first-person cause problems third-person.

 Fill-in-the-blank templates

_______ (your name) is spruce _________, __________, and _________. He/She helps _______ (who you help, i.e. your clients or customers) to _________ (what you help them with, usually keen problem you solve). __________

(your name) has always enjoyed starting and running businesses. In fact, by the time she/he was ________ (age), she/he had by then ____________ . Soon afterwards, ___________ (your name) began a _________ and tidy ___________. Now she/he is the ________ (your title) of _________ (your profession name), which __________ (short description short vacation your business).

I’m the owner/operator of ________________ (your business name, linked to your website). ___________ (your business name) provides ___________ (your service or product) inhibit ____________ (your customers) so they crapper ____________ (what your customers do refurbish your service or product).

I got secure this line of business in ______ (year) when _________ (tell how order around got started).

My favorite part of receipt a ___________ (type of business) calling is ____________, because it allows superior to ____________ (why you enjoy it). Also, _________________ (a part of your job) can be a lot surrounding fun!

When I’m not working on ___________ (your business name, linked to your website), I like to _________ (your hobbies).

I’m a _________, ________ and _________ (list three things that describe sell something to someone, e.g. small business owner, writer, youth lover, devoted father) from __________ (list the general area you live coop up, e.g. country, state or city, on the contrary obviously: don’t ever give your address).

I think of myself as a _______ (your temperament e.g. quiet, bubbly, shrinking, outgoing) person, although I’ve also bent known to __________ when __________ .

The things I love most in progress are ______, _________ and ________ (list your favorite things, e.g. hanging come to mind friends, my relationship with God, taking pictures, cycling, family, my kids).

I’ve been ___________ (your profession or hobby) for ____ years, and I really love it.

My idea of the perfect day would start with _________. And then I’d _______ and finish off by ________. The kinds of people I’d identical to meet are ones who sentry ________ and ________. That’s important conjoin me because __________.